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Sorry for the inactivity everyone! Here is a recent painting of a Dragon Witch concept for a cosplay contest requested by a client. The outfit was to tell a story, and we decided to tell a story of an old chinese legend about a carp swimming upstream to become a dragon.  I think the tale is a lesson about how overcoming strife will let any beginner  become a master or something like that.

I'll post the WIP shots tomorrow cause this design went trhough a coupel looks before it came to this. Hope you guys enjoy!




Curious how many hours/days did this take?


I replied to this on my phone app, I guess it didn't go through. >< This piece was unique as the client didn't have a hard deadline and I was able to take my time more freely with it. I will say it took me at least 12 hours cumulatively, though a lot of hours were spent trying new techniques to maximize detail without getting too cluttered. :) Thanks for asking!


Ah no problem! This is really good work honestly so I'm totally in awe. <3 <3 Your work is so clean~