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Hello everyone! I've been wanting to get this post out sooner to get everyone on track, but it's been hard to type out. 

So ever since my son was born something like a switch flipped in me. I finally talked to my doctor about it a couple weeks ago and she said I had severe post partum depression. Not so severe that I'm not eating but severe in that I was not functioning daily with very little enjoyment in anything. My current pregnancy is messing with my hormones which probably was making it worse a few weeks back.  

I haven't requested medication, I am preferring to take it day by day by just talking more to people. I don't want to get into how bad I was doing, but there were literally days I couldn't really speak at all and would just feed and change the baby and lie awake all night. I just felt like I was watching someone else's life, it's hard to explain. Ever since my doctor diagnosed me though it kind of flipped a switch in me. Knowing what I'm going through and seeing the signs is helping me get my life back together. 

Lately I don't dread and fear the following day anymore, it's taken a while but I am slowly getting my time back. And best of all (although I am so ashamed to admit it) I'm finally bonding with my son. He would only reach out for his dad before, but this passed month he's been much more happy and responsive around me ever since I started addressing my issues.

Anyways, I'm trying to keep this to the point, sorry. Work has slowly become daily again and drawing has felt relaxing instead of stressful. Everything will take time, but I am finally completely happy to be a mom. I'm so regretful it took this long but I needed to be honest to get this weight off my shoulders and heal. 

I'm grateful to my Patrons and I'm going to do my best to make great content for you guys that have stuck around. Thank you so much, next posts will be back to art and tier rewards! :)



You are so brave to be so open and honest. We love you so much and will support you in any way we can. You are a loving mommy and an exceptional artist. Everything will come together soon enough. Stay strong!

AC (ArynChris)

You are real. Your feelings are real. You are not a bad mom. There is nothing wrong with your soul. *BIG hug* Post-partum depression is a very normal problem to face, and you can do this! You're going to be fine; with help and awareness, it doesn't last forever.