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I'll be finishing the Super Hero-ed stream tonight! There's several more heroes that need to be added in but here is basically where we left off last night. 

Also just a heads up since we're already in June, but the theme for this month will be Super Villains! So for all you Gold Brush tier Patrons just get your ideas ready. It can be any existing character or OC, they just need to be villainous!




Is it possible to have them all broken up individually as well?

Alex King

So incredibly epic looking! :)


Yes there will be! While sometimes I only post the group piece publicly I always try to post the individual pieces on the Discord:)

Alex King

I realized today, that I have absolutely no idea how Discord works ^^;


I can send you an invite code if you like! But I get what you mean, I feel like I'm still getting used to ir and Ive had it for almost a year haha.