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Last moments to participate


as the title said, I open a lottery for win a free picture with rules close with what I use to made commissions. The inscriptions time will be really of one week. It will end the next sunday at midnight (France hour : 11/12 -> 00:00 -> 12/12).    Here the rules and conditions of what I call a commission is really simple :

- The model picture have to be from you or one picture you have fully the right to use (a friend that you ask the permission for example)

- I reserve my right to refuse to do a commission inregard of the person that ask me. It have some peoples that already tried to lie to me and I refuse to do commission for example.

   I don't go ask to participants to provide a full describing commission to the inscriptions. Just taking care to can made a commission before because the lottery don't go be redo even if the one that win simply say I changed my mind give it to someone else. I will discuss then with the winner made the commission.   I will give this text into several places, so if I see a multiparticipation, the person will be ban of the list.   Last but not least, by default, someone have a participation of lenght 1. But my patrons on my patreons will have an additional lenght in function of the tier they have (tier 1 : 2, tier 2, 3,..). Just to be sure of it, the bonus will be procide only if the vote is into my patreon.



I enter


I will enter