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While I'm working on the new animation, I thought you guys might wanna see this kind of process :)


"Save me" - Animation Process ( Ruan )

(ACESS TO THE PSD ANIMATION FILE): or just to support my OCs: Toda a animação foi feita no Photoshop CS5 com AnimDessin2. É mais trabalhoso? Sim. Vale a pena? Pra mim sim. Isso depende de cada um 🙂 (The whole animation was done in Photoshop CS5 with AnimDessin2. Is it more work? Yes. Is it worth it? For me, yes. That depends on each one. 🙂 ) Music: Empire Seasons - Dan Henig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTcPREx87hg



Currently it seems private? Maybe it works for other people. Looking forward to seeing this!!


It's private for me too, looking foward to see it when it's enabled <3


Very cool : )


That is so amazing!


OuO Incredible! THE MEOW and Sound effects! <3


Omg I’m from south korea and love your artworks..! I really like your animation! i know you are using photoshop.. and i’m curious about your equipment!! What kind of equipment do you use when you make your own animation??? Do you use Macbook pro? I really want to know! Thank u!🥰


Hi there ! Thank u so much !! 😃✨! And yes! I work on my MacBook Pro with a wacom bamboo tablet ctl-470 😋


Seeing this on Youtube is what inspired me to subscribe ^^


why do you say it's a risky move?


Because I went directly to animating with clean up instead of making a rough animation XD . I only did that because I was in a hurry and knew that wouldn't go wrong. Still, don't recommend that :/


Okie dokie, makes sense :)


How do you go from such rough sketches to such nice clean up?


Well thank you for thinking that ˆˆ! I put the best music to concentrate and enjoy fixing the lines XD


Eu sou muito a sua fa! Eu adoro muito o seu trabalho de artes!! eu estou estudando sobre animação.Eu queria saber como voce usou a musica”save me”. eu estou preocupada sobre “copyright” Eu gostaria de saber como voce conseguiu usar as musicas para fazer a animaçao.