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I finished the animation !!!! Finally 😵😤 ( at this moment 😭 )

All I need to do now is to put the shots together and add some sound effects !

When I publish the animation ( I'll let you guys know ), I'll start preparing a video or whatever it is to give a better look of my animation process ( cause I know you guys are probably a little lost 😅 ).  So many things...

By the way... I really want to thank you all for your support 🙏

I mean it. You have no idea how this makes me happy !

I won't stop because of you ! 

And there's a lot of things coming up!! 

So thank you for your patience! 

take care!



This video actually drew me to your patreon! Such a wonderful energy to your animation and your creative style is beautiful. I’m an aspiring artist/animator and I hope I can learn from you!


This video just made me want to support you even more so here I am! This is so beautiful and you've already topped my list of my favourite and inspirational artist♡♡


owwww my! you are soo kind ! thank you so much for being here ! I really hope you get to like my future animation!