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Whilst running a bit late, the comic has turned 2 years old! Gosh, thats gone fast, hasn't it? Much like how I did for the first year anniversary, I thought I'd draw a small little piece to celebrate. I thought it could be fun to see Cartwright and Tenner in each other's outfits.

The intro to Case 2 is being scripted up and I look forward to diving into this world again, as I hope you are all eager to take part!

I'm still working hard on my backlog and that will take priority, still I hope you enjoy this little picture!



Lee Evergreen

You're killing it with this comic man. Every character so far is well written and intriguing. The world is creepy yet believable. 10/10 would spook again.


Brilliant writing, brilliant characters, and absolutely brilliant artwork. You've certainly done amazing work on this Glaz. Proud of you big man ^__^