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Project Deity: Demi God Gerald Knackleboots

Chosen Champion for The Goddess of Travellers

Gerald Knackleboots is a fabled travelling story teller across the lands, though his profession was not necessarily decided by choice. In his younger days, he found himself cursed by a powerful being that left him in an unusual predicament.

For every step he took, there would always be a random chance a spell would go off that would cause him to teleport to a odd point in the world. On the occasion he'd find himself in a tavern, the locals would cheer, give him some food and drink and pay to hear all about his misadventures across the world.

Due to this curse, The Goddess of Travellers grew curious and watched Gerald on his event laden journey. She soon felt that he practically embodied the spirit of travel and appointed him to be her chosen champion.

Gerald has yet to win a trial, not for lack of trying. If he was lucky enough to appear at designated arena in time for a trial, he’d unfortunately usually blink away upon his first step. Despite his losses, he is a very beloved figure among the world and the chosen champions.




Provided the picture for download as well as a sequence showing the progress from original sketch to this final version!