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Hey there everyone! So sorry for the lack of updates on patreon. As folks on the discord and twitter know, I've been utterly melting in the heatwave the UK has been going through. I feel awful that I've barely been able to get anything done at all commission-wise during these past two weeks. My mind has been scrambled by the humidity and it sucks trying to sleep at night lately.

Outside of attempting and failing to beat the heat and work on commissions, I've actually been laying the groundwork for a project that I hope folks will enjoy! 

A choose you own adventure comic series where you get to guide our protagonists, Cartwright and Tenner, through their supernatural investigations!

I don't want to spoil much going ahead so I thought folks might like to see the logo and the teaser image for the first case!

The idea is that Cartwright and Tenner will be episodic in nature, small cases/mysteries rather than one long continuous case (thats not to say there isnt a narrative running through them all though!) It's going to be a serious story with horror flavoured kink thrown in (transformation, possession, hypnosis, etc)

Depending on how well the series is received, I was even considering including patrons in as characters in the story like potential clients, witnesses, etc! Due to the stand alone episodic nature of the cases, I figured this would be a nice way of bringing folks in and out 

It may be a little bit before I post the start of the first case. I want to make sure I do a good job of setting up the scenario, the characters and the tone of the story c:



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