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When I had my fusebox replaced last week, I decided to try a little bit of writing on my tablet to pass the time! I wanted to try and see if I could depict a small scene featuring some of the fantasy rpg characters we've been designing. 

The idea I settled on was of the polar bear character discovering the fox apprentice character and that leading to the polar bear explaining the red string and the area's significance. Whilst I was formulating how to put it into a script, I suddenly got into my head that it could be cool to change visual style when explaining the story, dabbling into water colours. 

That kinda stuck with me so yesterday, as a warm up to commissions, I decided to try out the water colour brushes in photoshop that I had.

So the basis for the story is actually a world building story I had made for a forest in my homebrew D&D settings that the players never got to. It's the story of a lesser nature god called Ei'sven and their battle with a shade/demon.  

The general gist being the whole area used to be unsafe dark lands under the forces of an evil entity and this then mortal Ei'sven managed to slay the shade but at a great cost. Fairly classical, I guess? 

Here is what I had written!


As they fought, every blow Ei'sven received rendered their body to the shadow. But the bear fought on regardless, using the red string he carried to tie his body together to continue fighting, till nothing but his head remained. 

After four days, the forest that was their battleground grew still. The shade had been ensnared and entangled within the red twine, bound and unmoving to the ground. At least, that's what it had appeared to be. With all their might, Ei'sven delivered one final strike to end the emissary but found themselves impaled by the emissary's barbed tongue.

In the shade's last breath, they cursed the land to be forever shrouded in fog. To ensnare and trap the souls of those who entered the woods. Cackling in his own bile, his taunts filled the air. The sorrow of those souls would allow the shade to be reborn anew, ready to feast on the lands once more. The emissary would be victorious regardless of this outcome.

The shade was vanquished as the blanket of fog grew thicker around Ei'sven. 

He collapsed to his knees, unable to even stand. As all that he was began to vanish, Ei'sven gave himself fully to the forest and began to unravel. One last effort to defy the fate the emissary deemed inevitable.

The trees around him grew white like bone and the leaves stained crimson like blood. The red string hung throughout the branches of the forest, cutting through the sea of mists to guide any traveller to safety.


I obviously need to write out the beginning part of the story but hopefully that was an interesting read and I make for a decent story teller! Would folks be interested in seeing a comic about this?



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