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In today's stream, I was working on a 3D model with patron Hiro helping to co-host! I hope you all enjoy this little treat and a blast from the past 9 years ago!

During the stream, Hiro made a delightful discovery and they managed to uncover an old exe file of a game I was making in college! My first ever game when I was studying Games Development!

Named after me mashing the keyboard when asked for a game maker project file title to save the game, Wehf Duips is certainly an interesting beast. A platformer where the gimmick is visually based on that one tower ninja fight in Samurai Jack. As a white ninja, you can only stand on white objects, if you transition into a grey area, you switch colours into a black ninja, who can only step on black.

Meta-narratively, it's about Glaz learning how to make things work in Game Maker and learning game design in general. With each level generally being a new mechanic he learnt to code, or learning to how to further implement it and push on the design. Most importantly, learning how to make a clear bug in the movement mechanics into the core gameplay mechanic.

So a major bug was discovered when I made the game. Namely that if the player held the left arrow key down against a wall, and the up arrow key down (the jump button)  continuously, then the character would climb up that wall unimpeded. And only the left side of a wall. I couldn't fix it, so I made all of the levels with that in mind, haha.

The game is super clunky and in later levels can get pretty frustrating with pixel perfect hit detection but with that mind, there's a lot of promise to wehf duips!

Controls: Arrow Keys to move (WASD to move the other player in vs mode)
R - Reset the level
Enter - Pause Game

Backspace - Exit to title screen
Shift (on title screen) - Skip to the "Champaigne" level



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