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Yessss, the final comic this month is here

Shorter than usual, its a Xmas gift so Boogie & team could get some Xmas time with family

This one authored by SnickerSnack


The Wish - GrowGetterComics

Sharon found a magic lamp, but instead of wishing for herself to have some female muscle growth, she goes a bit beyond!


Brandi K

Great short story!


Dang...nice. And I think it was very nice of you to let your team keep it nice and short so they could have the time off to be with their families.


Very fun! At first I thought she and the other women were simply going to be caped superheroes/villains but the empress angle worked.


Awesome! SnickerSnack is one of my personal favorite writers!


Storywise it was pretty straightforward but still I really enjoyed it! Her final form was realy hot. For a (self-proclaimed) goddess she looked quite demonic ^.^


I can’t get the maxmuscle page to work. Everything is bunched up at the top. Looks like all of the stories are stacked like playing cards.


Loved it! Boogie is the best for illustrating exponential levels of power


Simple and short but fun and to the point! =D The last bit reminds me of genie Jaffar XD