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Yesyes yES - finally ! we got the damn problem solved where downloads werent working

this comic - is - 37 PAGES!  Is that a record?  its like the 3rd comic released this month and there are still 2 more to go!!!

To the two competent fans that helped me with this server problem - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Is the worst of these server issues behind us?? HOPE SO

Sorry for being all over the place, just that Mr GrowGetter here is very very happy to have this problem resolved

Gribble- thanks for the story

Bulushon - the man!!    There was a LOT of back and forth in this one, so many revisions and so much more patience


Social Order - GrowGetterComics

This one was many months in the making



I really didn't see that coming. At least we know there won't be any problem with them having some kind of struggle to outgrow each other.

Ronan David

Oh I love this one!! Nice spin, usually the bad guys win here (I love that too) but I like this new trend where the good ones end up powerful AND are now the bully, love their domination seize


Really liked this one, super hot and it's fun to see the bad girls lose sometimes, even if power seems to always corrupt the good girls too XD