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Yes yes yes, putting a rare preview in here

just to add some confirmation, that its IN PROGRESS

hard to give an ETA on this one, just know the wheels are in motion




I'm really curious what will be the end! Will the demons win ruthlessly convert other women and dominate mankind? Or will it be the goddesses that prevail and become benevolent protectors of the world? Or maybe will it be a sort of twisted ending where heroines win but end up drowning in the newfound power falling into evil goddesses, much like the villain they defeated... Or maybe it will be an end where somehow everything returns to normal? I really am looking forward to it! This series is really fun so there is no need to rush it to an end in a single chapter. Maybe it would be nice to have 1 long-running and more narrative-driven series on this website?


don't really want either side to win nor lose. i saw that at the start it was team olga's envy of team elyse's bodies that triggered them to "cheat" with olga's potions. even though they are evil now, they did put in the effort for their original bodies before all the stuff started.


Still rooting for the goddesses!