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Presumably, the once monthly releases arent too challenging - its all there at once

How about the weekly stories?   Sometimes I get a litle lost



Generally you release drawn art which actually helps a lot with retaining what is going on for me. Just helps is stand out more and has more stick to it, since most other art is computer rendered (not a knock on that art I love it too, just it is the majority now) I personally like the monthly I have a full comic though, sick of things broken up into parts.

Chris Villa

I love the comics 🤩 even the mini ones are just so good.

Jordan Lew

It’s great as well as the full comic releases. Just wish the site would load faster

Bernard Phillips

I love all the comics, I just hate when they end suddenly..the pillow fight really thru me, that comic had so much more potential..other than that FAN4LIFE!!


It really just depends on the comic. Super CEOs in particular I just stopped checking in on because I couldn’t really follow it. The two current ongoings seem like they will be easier to keep up with.


I find the current layout of the comics a bit hard to parse out. And the longer ones (Super CEOs) should probably get broken down into sections.