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Help us understand what subniches we should add more in



Female vs female fighting/wrestling


More info about ordering commissions from the artists


Female draining muscle/height from male


Girl v Girl fmg


A thing I’d like to see less is violence, actually. I’m fine with some stories being about growing big and powerful and beating up other people. It’s just that there’s a lot of it! It might be nice to explore other themes as well.


female vs female fighting wrestling and boxing


Increased detailed vascularity in fmg art


A woman gains super powers and explores them.


I voted for height/giantess since that’s my main interest, particularly in the mini giantess range. Seems we rarely linger in that area for very long. Also, comparison is a thing I’d like to see more of. Specifically between embiggened women and normal men/women. Lots of stories involve all of the main female characters growing so you end up with a huge character and a less huge character with no way to actually tell how big they are.


I Think it would nice to have a bit more variety of themes For the stories and characters, I do enjoy the occasional huge,mighty, muscular goddess that dominates and beats down all who stand in her way, but when almost all of the stories seem to share this conclusion in which they somehow end up becoming divine entities, heroes, godlike beings, or even transitioning from one to another, it can get a little repetitive. Is this bad? No! It just becomes more predictable, and you feel less interested in the story and focus more on the art and growth sequences.


How about some attribute theft?

Ketch Fiftyseven

Slow FMG …where she tries to wear the same clothing throughout her muscle growth journey only to have it slowly burst at the seams.


Muscle worship, definitely! (Love Yuri but could be male too)! I'd be up for male humiliation too, if he was a big jerk ;)


I think it would be nice to see more how the muscle growth transformation also affects the mind and personality. Drowning in own body/power and becoming more confident to the point of being arrogant/narcistic... Or maybe domineering even sadistic. There are some characters like that in comics here but it seems like most of them were like that from the beginning so it doesn't feel like their personality really changed. It would be interesting to see how transformation of a shy or kind or oppressed/bullied person by the obtained power. For example kind characters or characters motivated by good intentions like Nancy in Magic Cloak or Olga in Worst to First. It would be fun to see how this type of character gets back at the bad guys but in the process becomes even worse than them.

Gavin Ma

more genuine super heroic saving