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Once upon a time, most websites were self-made by the owner or webmaster

Most of the content on the internet was on websites like that.  There was some stuff on Yahoo! Groups


Now (it seems) most of the content is hosted on big corporate sites (tumblr, instagram, discord, reddit, etc)

GrowGetterComics.com, like Shadowlordinc.com, amaz0ns.com and a few remaming others still stand

What do you think?



There seems to be just a tad of bias in the way you are wording this survey.


There’s always a give and take. Independence allows for greater freedom regarding the content offered while corporate support usually means more money, which can translate in more content. Considering the content provided by GrowGetter however, being independent seems a better fit. I don’t think that corporate oversight over what kind of content can or cannot be shown would be healthy for the site.


I honestly don't really know what the effective difference is. If we can get the content we want, shouldn't it really be up to you to decide what the best means to do so is?