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Breaker - Special Thanks

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Hoping it is not the mean blonde having the last laugh again. Also the form still says Breaker from the last comic, is this still correct?


The ending will be what the ending will be but I'm curious what kind of ending(s) you like.


After Crush formula, the mysterious book, Lucy, the curse and breaker, I am just hoping for a bit more diversity in last standing character.


A clarification on my end, by diversity I didn't mean skin color or cultural origin, rather I meant more variety instead of mean girl/woman with long blonde hair. I.e. different personality type, hair color/style.


Did you like the ending of The Power of Suggestion?


Soso, it was kice to see a male counterpart being in control. Having the grown females out of control instead of doing his bidding was a bit weird to see in the end, since he seemed fine by it, while the women just went bonkers with him not directly interacting with him. But I guess it has the same appeal to some like dirty Women wrestling.