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Just kicking an idea around, not sure it would lead to anywhere

Lets say we took Breaker or another comic

Made an 8 part, 10-12 page each series of printed comics

Sold it in the real world with shipping

If the price was agreeable (no idea what these things cost)

Would it be something you would want to buy?

This wouldnt take away from the comics we are making now



No matter the price, I'd want myself a print comic copy of the mysterious book.

Ze Fly

Shipping costs are getting astronomical, (trust me, I get some pieces from eBay) when it's not local. So, international buyers would be discouraged.


I have a lot of print ones from ages ago back in the LHART days, femforce too, Peculiar tales.


Yes, but it would have to be a really good one though. Like, exactly what I'm looking for, not close enough. Probably would be hard to get a lot of people in that case.


Personally I would love to get my hands on a printed version of The Mysterious Book and Goddess Lucy.


Personally I would love to get my hands on a printed version of The Mysterious Book and Goddess Lucy.