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There was some debates in here, different stlyes

Which style do you like more?




Oh, euh... Bit of both? I like the mass of the second, but the first seems to have more muscular striations, which I appreciate. And I think I prefer the overall volume of the breasts of the second, but I would prefer the elongated nipples of the first.


More than one thing changed, so it was a hard choice! The pose and anatomy are better in Example 2's final panel, but the lighting/coloring of panels 3&4 is much better in example 1, give much more definition to the muscles.


Style 1 has better shading and lines it looks like, as well as better clothes ripping. Style 2 her expression and face looks better though.

Mr.BoneJangles (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 20:17:24 Hard call, neither is just plain better >.>
2023-04-28 16:36:58 Hard call, neither is just plain better >.>

Hard call, neither is just plain better >.>

The Alternate202

I agree with the general consensus in liking the second one best, since the arms are of a proportional size compared with the rest of her body in that final panel.