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Yes yes yes, its out - hot off the press

I dont think this is the best issue we have made (last few releases have been hard to top), but I think we need to setup the final issue, which will be next month!

Who will win the big showdown?


The Goddess Lucy - Outside Intervention (4) - GrowGetterComics

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Very nice! LOVED seeing some giantess action in this one! Though it brings up so many questions…why did the toxic waste work this time and not during all the previous tests? Is this the same exact formula that triggered Lucy’s growth? If so, then Cheryl staying submerged long enough to absorb the ENTIRE vat and becoming magnitudes bigger than anyone so far doesn’t leave much hope for Lucy, who hasn’t had nearly that much exposure. I look forward to seeing how she evens (or tips) the scales.


(BTW, not sure if I should have included spoilers. Feel free to delete if not, or let me know and I can delete)


Sorry, one more thing…it appears certain panels are missing text, since there are a few blank speech bubbles. Not a big deal for my enjoyment of the story but just FYI


I can answer this! The general in charge is a misogynist and would only allow it to be tested on male soldier volunteers, but it only works directly on women.


Ok that makes sense, thanks! I was also a little confused as to why Brandi was able to leap out of the vat she was submerged in but Cheryl was pulled down (which ended up working out quite well for her to be fair). I suppose Brandi was probably in a lot better shape than Cheryl and was more eager to get out to exact revenge on Lucy. Or maybe she used the same ladder Lucy used to climb out initially as leverage. Of course, this is probably just me thinking too much 😅.

Big J

The fact that they mention Brandi is in a coma means she's gonna come back, right? Please say yes.

Jason White

I know it’s a Gribble special, but not sure how I feel about the giantess thing. The Amazons vs military “battle” was amazing! An awesome chapter.




I got to say, this part was amazing. Part of it reminds me of an old growth story I used to read. Looking forward to where this leads.