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The artist who made it, always really likes to hear words of encouragement, so I told him I would gather - leaving any comments will be passed along to him!

Thanks again for your support!



Loved how power hungry the women got and how much growth was featured


Same but I would have liked a bit more growth and power shifts between the bully and the teacher.


It's the story I look forward to the most, hopefully there will be more twists to come.


I'm really fond of it : far one of my favorites ! Especially with villainess growing 💗


It's definitely a twist on the usual FMG story.


I rather like the idea of the characters's hair glowing, though it would look far better if the comic was in color, and I found it interesting that it took the main character that long to figure out how to cause her own body to transform. If she had learned soon, it would save so much trouble. Let's just hope that they still can't take any more power from her.


Written by Gribble, with artwork by Miss Lascivo! A combination that will always be awesome! Love the long flowing glowing floating hair. I was half expecting them to gain control of their hair and use it to restrain their opponents.


I really enjoy the story and would want it to be a downloadable pdf once it is done.


Awesome art (story's not too bad either if I do say so myself)! I look forward to seeing more of this artist work in the future!

Ben Magiera

Tho the super villain seems to be a common thread in these comics. Unless that’s the link I didn’t realize brought y’all together and I’m the odd man out 😂🤣😂


I really like it. The art is great and the story was definitely a twist!

Ben Magiera

Like I prefer the villain to be behind the scenes growing and plotting. And the good guy/girl never seems to win and that’s unsettling


I know I'm here for the bad girls! 😉👍🏼