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Hey Team

So, we make big comics monthly like

The Goddess Lucy, Worst 2 First, Mysterious Book, and others

Once a month, rather than 7-10 pages 3x a month

Here is the poll

A - Release the big comic one time monthly

B - Instead release 7-10 pages every 3x a month

Which would you rather see?



Personally I prefer diversity.


Multiple small releases would be nice, and be a reason to pop in and check on a semi-regular basis, but ultimately I think the easiest option to schedule and publish is superior.


One big release is the way to go. Honestly I’d take the smaller comics being released at further intervals as well even if it meant no content sometimes. Three pages for the smaller ones is just enough to make me wish there was more. Definitely understand if others don’t agree though.


The big monthly comic is definitely the way to go. You just start getting into a shorter comic when it ends and by the time it comes back in a week or so you spend the first few panels remembering where it left off and just when you get back into it, it ends again. What I end up doing with other creators I follow that insist on the short format is save a bunch of weeks to a file trying my best not to look at them until I get a bunch saved up and then read them all so I can actually enjoy the content.