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OK OK OK team - new idea (good or bad idea?)

We will recruit new artists every month with a paid trial page, to potentially join our staff

Below you can find all the artists tested out this month


Vote on any/all of them that you like


Some will be asked to return


(is this a fun game?) 

later we will post this on the main site, but you, the patrons get first look at this!



Mr. Nickname

Feels a bit rude how it's framed like a contest. It's a good idea to see how everyone feels about the artists. (Already I wanna commission B), but they are people as well. This isn't a contest.


B with c being my second favorite


I'm not against competitions, but lets not make it too trivial. I don't know how dependent those artists are on a more fixed income. And you don't want them to be too trivial about this too. You don't want them too leave in the middle of a project because it's no fun for them anymore.


Sorta agree with Shadowninja here except C gets the edge for me with B in a close second.


If I only make a choice on the esthetic I would say : B, C, A, E, F, D but I'm sure that the order would change if it was about an original comic idea. For example a D with a story about a villainess who grows huge and develops a kind of thirst about power would be better for me than a B about a story with less FMG and without a villainess growing ;-P So, I just wanna say that I congrats all the artists for their works no matter the votes !