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The artist that made Rogue and Doom Girl was quite sick, but now we are back on track with 7 pages done and hoping to have at least 9 by Wednesday!

Keep your eyes peeled to growgettercomics.com on Weds for a release of the first 9 pages or so.

Warning, there isnt much growth in the initial release but we are really liking this comic and we think its a FANTASTIC story

(well post a few preview pages right away after this post)

Worst 2 First 4 - reviewing scribbles to form a storyboard (really basic, hope to post some recognizable sketches soon)

The Mysterious Book - New issue is underway, many sketches done, will share some inks soon and colors thereafter, shes going goddess

The Quiz - keeps improving, keep your eyes there  

Heidi artist had to move for a while, just got situated in a new country, and will start around the end of the month


What else would you like to see?




Nice work on everything upcoming!

Ben Magiera

Can we have Nursul work on female anatomy. He leaves out nipples and vaginas. They are amazing but the most alien androgynous looking.

