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After a lot of thought (lots) we have a crazy $40 month tier

and it has no extra (published) benefits than the comic tier

$15 USD is a LOT of money, the same as Netflix, many other services

just to get $15 (or anything, even $5) we are grateful... You pay for at least 3-4 artists to feed their families, a couple students to get by part time and once in a blue moon, Mrs Getter takes <10% to keep Mr Getter on this thing (not too often though)

So why create a $40 tier?    Well, there was a time when I was homeless, I couldnt afford much or anything at all, which is why we try to eventually release all content after some time, not to neglect anyone.

However there was other times I was doing really well, or might be at a later point in my life.  Sometimes I like to make donations to places or people I really enjoy.   In case that happens here, and someone wants to give more, so that all of us can enjoy it more (95%+ goes back to art/the site) than that will be on the table.

If someone does it, Ill try to go above and beyond to make them feel appreciated, but there are no official incentives, so as not to have someone feel upset if they paid for something they didnt get

Will anyone join?   not sure, but huge thanks if anyone with the financial means even considers it

Big thanks to all supporters, hopefully you are enjoying the ride

Looking forward to BIGGER things


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