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We made this comic a while ago, I thought it was a cool concept that might do well but it didnt get much reception 

Curious for your help understanding why, so we can improve

Big thanks, hopefully these polls arent too annoying, they help us make the best art possible


Jordan Lew

I liked it

Ben Magiera

The fmg was rushed ie one page and the growth was done. And it was all zoomed in panels. It got better as the comic progressed tho.


The art was fine. I didn't find the supervillain Evil-Ra appealing to look at.


I honestly had not scrolled down far enough to see it I guess. I like it though. I wish the girls had just continued to grow instead of Evil-Ra showing up but I’m sure that would have resolved itself eventually. While I was down at the bottom there I noticed a comic called Angela that I can’t seem to access. Any info on that?


For me : I really liked this comic (story, art style and even the growths ... especially when Evil-Ra got bigger :D). I agree with Ben Magiera : the fmg could be a bit slower and more detailed. Sometimes the faces are strange but that's only because I'm looking for an explanation, it didn't shocked me. I was waiting for the next part but I did'nt know that it hasn't been well accepted.