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This one was a lot of hard work and hats off to everyone who made it possible.   

Now, all of this was covered in FFF's iteration, but the NEXT chapter will start to break new ground and kickoff the second half of the entire story.

Next month will be The Mysterious Book (second part) and we will be giving previews as the month goes on

The goal starting next month is to release new content at least 3 times a week!  (fanart friday, Rogue/Doom stuff on Mondays and Scientists/Gribble stories on Wednesdays) along with stuff in between

ONLY thanks to YOUR support we are reaching what was thought of once as a pipedream, to deliver NEW content EVERY DAY

we are getting there team!!!!    Hopefully this is all going well

Other stuff underway:

- left behind comic (3D)

- Charged! 2 (slow but worth it)

- a interactive FMG poll

and more


The Goddess Lucy - Brandi Punches Back - GrowGetterComics

The series continues, and the villain comes back this time



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I have really enjoyed this comic so far. Boogie’s art has been very solid, but if I make one critique…I’m not getting much of a sense of the characters being that much bigger than each other after Brandi’s 1st dose and then after Lucy’s 2nd dose. FFF’s original comic emphasized the difference well in musculature and especially in height (I think Lucy was almost twice as big as Brandi after her 2nd dose). I don’t mean to say the remake should be exactly like the original, as I have appreciated the unique aspects that Boogie has brought to the story, but having that physical difference really sold the transformative power of the toxic sludge and the shift in advantage it brought the characters, at least for me. In any case though, as always, I look forward to what’s next!

Derps McGerps

I'm really enjoying the change of hands on this story. It took FFF years to do what this comic did in two issues, so it's good to know this story will finally move forward.


Great story!


I agree. One off my favorite parts was cut. The fact that brandy tried to stop Lucy from growing but you saw her abs get bigger and her height got bigger. She could barely even put her arms around her. :/ But I do like the story. I do think that Lucy should have been bigger tho.


Not working.

Big J

I agree. I want to really see the difference between them.


I love this remake.


It worked well !


The scene you are describing was not in the original script. FFF adlibbed it. Boogie is just following the outline as it was written.


I was going to write a similar comment. That aspect and in particular the scene where Brandi has Lucy wrapped up is the one I was anticipating the most. I see that Gribble has said that bit of the story wasn’t even in his original script but I really wish they had nabbed that bit from FFF and had Boogie knock it out of the park. Maybe next time.


I’ve addressed my only complaint in response to another comment so I’ll just add that this is awesome. It’s going 10 chapters? I honestly can’t even imagine how good it’s gonna be. Boogie is the perfect artist for this too. Stellar work all around.