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Not sure what to do - we could release a couple 10 page comics each month (not counting rogue, etc) for the main event, or try to make the absolute best ~20 page comic each month.

What do you think is better?



quality over quantity I say


I think you shouldn't plan it like that and choose with your ideas.


I mean : if you have an excellent idea for a short one, go ! If the idea is for a longer ... Go !


Depends on the art style for me

The Alternate202

I went for the single, 20 page vote, but I guess it really does depend on the idea. More pages means more room to make something awesome, but things like the Fan Art Fridays have shown that short "straight to the point" kind of sequences/comics can be good too. 20 pages would definitely be better for a full comic though, whereas 10 would likely be better for much less story-based, more random things like "muscle girl works out and grows big" that wouldn't require any real narrative. But yeah either way, I'm sure they'll be great whatever length and number you decided to go for!


Just an idea for a future comic…did Gribble ever write a sequel to Battle of the Space Amazons—a comic with art by DC Matthews commissioned years ago? Would love to see a continuation to that, especially since it left off on a bit of a cliffhanger.