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It continues - expect at least 10 more pages early May, possibly up to 15 new pages (well try)

free commission to whomever can guess the villainess



Mr. Nickname

My two guesses are. The enchantress cause magic stuff. Or Nebula cause space and blue.

Jason White



Cyttorak or Amatsu-Mikaboshi. No matter what though this comic is great, but she's gotta use all this power for or something soon right?


The villain is obviously Rogue


nobody has guessed right yet, Ill say something if someone does


Now she is naked...I hope she will create a new skin tight suit with her new powers like Super Nerd in Worst to first. 😅


What a wonderful comics

The Alternate202

The way Ursul draws muscular backs and shoulders is so good!! And I like that this whole thing is going along at breakneck pace. No time to stop for anything that's not muscle growth! XD


Howdy all, now that the comic is this far I can point out a vital clue. As seen in the latest release Rogue isn't confined to the Marvel Universe, in fact she can now travel to any comic, cartoon or anime universe. Good luck guessing with that many options! Muwhahaha! Also PLEASE someone comment on the blond scrawny guy she "fixed"... I almost had to fight to include him. Surely someone here knows him!


Really excellent ! Cool to bring All Might !


You win a prize... is there something I can give you? Maybe a sneek peek at an outline or something?


How'd you like to see the outline for the unmade sequel to Battle of the Space Amazons? Drop me an e-mail at gribble77@hotmail.com