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Written by Gribble - drawn by Ursul

This is an ongoing comic released to all comic tier fans.

It goes 40 pages and wow, there is a lot of POWER and GROWTH in this one

The goal is to release pages at least twice a month, aiming for 3 times a month  (depends on the artists speed)

Crush Formula 2 is coming along well, seems to be about 90% done

yes, I realize the growth is slow, on this one, but it will be rewarding as it goes

thoughts so far?




I can't wait to see more. She is already so hot but I know more will make her even more hot.

The Alternate202

It's looking great so far! I think the "slow" growth is just a sign of how much more there is to go! XD Hard to keep escalating things if she drained one or two people and was already massive before even getting a quarter of the way through the story, after all! Plus it gives her an excuse to keep draining more! And with how little messing around there is in this story, you know she's going to end up big! Also posting all the pages together like this is going to mitigate that more and more as time goes on for those who might not be too into the slow growth, since it won't be as much of a "thing" the more pages there are and the bigger she gets from start to finish. I know I keep using the word "dynamic" a lot, especially when it comes to Ursul's work, but I really like that (insert word I use a lot) sense of motion that last panel there. He really does a great job with fluid action panels like that. So yeah, looking very nice so far!