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I think we have 2 pages left to color and than jam out the cover ASAP

The comic will be out this month, working to get a release date within a week or so

Sometimes, we get hang ups or delays because we have a goal to make the BEST comics we really can

It happens where a panel gets revised many times, through a lot of back and forth until something is good is made

Is it interesting to see these developments in a blog article?

PS, we are aware that the first image was already released, it just made sense to put them together

there will be text on the comic issue of this - and plenty more growth




Sexy muscle growth!!


Really very nice there!


Can't wait to read the comic and just enjoy how large she will get


Nice growth so far. I look forward to see how big she ends up getting. Delays from revisions are inevitable but in the end you can’t argue with the wonderful results that are well worth the wait.

The Alternate202

Love those proportions in the last page! I'm certainly interested to see where the story goes next! And yeah I think it could be interesting to see the different iterations of these comics/panels as you're developing them, like how you showed us the different versions of the third page here a bit ago. Sometimes it can be cool to see "what might have been" even if things change for the final release.