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kind of cool to see it actually happening - a few of you guessed it right from the last still

will we someday be able to make a full animation instead of just comics and short clips?

its going to take a lot more funds and artists than we currently have, but does that mean we should say never?

anyhow, we are getting this short clip in maybe a week, because of your support

one supporter came out and made his own animation (will post that soon)

another is interested in making a short clip

if someone has the means and wants to make an animation, contact me

this one was about $500 and will be about 10 seconds, to give an idea   last animation was here 




I am SUPER looking forward to this, ever since I saw the Arthur muscle growth episode and thought “What would SHE look like if she had the belt?” You and the people you work with are making dreams come true! 😂👍


I’m showing my age, but what is this from?

The Alternate202

FMG animations are usually pretty few and far between (hell, even in actual cartoons), but they're always great to see when they do come along, so it's super cool that you're creating one! I feel like I say this a lot, but I'll definitely be looking forward to this! XD