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So, the challenge with 3D is that I find it difficult for artists to get the proportions in similarity to 2D art

Another challenge is that with 2D art, you can leave off a lot of details, because its the minds eye that fills in those gaps

with 3D however, those gaps are filled in with inaccuracies and the brain rejects it

This still, I think doesnt quite look good enough, but its an experimental step, and we are all about that here

On a side note, we have an ongoing 3d comic coming



Elek Szerep

I would like to see more 3d stuff.


I think 3D art is getting better all the time. Sometimes it’s about the angles, and other tricks can be used, too.


Nice 3d beef


love this. i’m hoping for a full comic with her

The Alternate202

3D artwork can definitely be tricky, I think in large part because it's closer to the realm of reality than 2D artwork is. You have an actual figure that has to exist in a real space, even if that space is inside a computer, and have each part of it exist relative to every other part. Like you said, that can often make it more prone to a viewer noticing an inaccuracy or finding something "off" about it compared to a 2D image as a result. But in general, there's still a lot of 3D artwork out there that's really good. I guess it's like anything else, sometimes it just takes a bit of trial and error to get it looking right. Either way, I look forward to seeing the upcoming 3D comic!