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Whew!  So many things going on

Firstly, big thanks to all the Partons (or is it Patreons?) - Without your help none of this possible

**   Whats in the works?   **

Katsuko - a comic by the talented writer HarmonyMotion (a few pages done, will share previews)

W2F Anthology edition - before we make another comic, we want to tinker with combining all issues, extending the growth scenes, maybe adding some pages and an animation in PDF (is it possible?)

Angela 2D - almost done in B&W, but I think we should add more scenes (another post about that soon)

Charged - Almost done but artist very slow, A semi-realistc looking comic (here are some examples)

Scientists - A FFF style comic by Bulushon ( we have been studying FFF, a LOT)

Magna - Remade and drawn by the hyper-realistic artist

Warrior Princess (working title) - some FMG comic by the "Stuck in the game" artist

-------  What else?

I have some Gribble outlines, always eager to put them into comics, Ill release some of them here

Fan Art Fridays - the routine artist is coming back

Heidi / Left Back-Behind Game - not sure where we are going with that, we'll make a poll and YOU can decide

B&W comics - the eventual goal is to release content EVERY day, but for now we will aim for 2-3 times a week by the end of this first quarter

Animations - nothing yet, but this was FUN   the patreon needs to grow because they are costly

A game - the FMGym artist wants to make something, he has sketches but its still too early

-------  Commissions

There are many in line, many waiting and well hope to deploy an always updated schedule 

-------------- Wishful thinking

More comics, at least 2 a month that are GOOD quality (your feedback in polls helps!)

A growth competition where likes = growth and there are 4 girls squaring off

A 3D viewable video that works like 3d p*rn does 

Taking the realistic artists work, and making it ULTRA-realistc (costs were too insane to do last time we checked, trying to find a way to get it done)

-------------------  More about how things went, are going

For a while it was easy to crank out comics without looking at the anatomy.  I have so many bad examples of art, Ive build kind of a library.   To get the anatomy in a place where it looks GOOD, literally takes hours and hours, and hours more of discussion.   Here is an article that is a really small example.

We hopefully did a good enough job with anatomy on W2F Issue 2 of 2 and The Crush Formula - we want that to be our floor from now on on quality.

Im trying to build out an automated comic disbursement system, it SHOULD be ready Friday, but I couldnt wait and released the comic today.   Yes, all $15 comic tier fans can get all comics I ever made, only a few of them are still behind paywalls and eventually all get released for free.

Big thanks to everyone



Nice lineup

The Alternate202

Damn, it sounds like you've got a ton of stuff in the work! Definitely looking forward to a lot of those things you listed there, like the W2F Anthology Edition (even *more* growth?! Awesome!) as those issues were fantastic already! And that Charged comic looks great too! I didn't realise you had another realistic artist making a comic for you! XD Those pages you've already posted are excellent, a very realistic style indeed! Looks like a whole bunch of really cool things on the horizon!