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I have always stayed away from it, figured it was mostly not preferred


I really don't like it. Partly because of my OCD nature to want things to be even and balanced but also I think it has an element of unattractiveness to it in general due to the character being misshapen even if just for a moment.


I agree with Gribble, i much prefer an attractive model through all stages of the growth. I could deal with it if the story or the art is really well done, but it only diminishes the work overall.


It can work well in certain occasions. Looney Tunes director Chuck Jones used it to good effect with his Jekyll & Hyde style cartoons.

The Alternate202

It's not my 'preferred' style of growth, mainly due to it not looking as aesthetically pleasing as normal/symmetrical growth, along with it having more of an association with the character it's happening to being freaked out by the growth or finding it unpleasant. But I'm not *against* it. Like everything it depends on the artwork and the presentation. Case in point, I think this sample sequence looks really good! The art style is really nice, and I like how the artist has depicted the growth here. So here I think it looks good, even if it might not be how I generally prefer to see muscle growth sequences play out.


In my opinion, if the growth is slow paced and not "cartoonish" enough or with comical intentions, it is good.


great feedback everyone, were going back to the drawing board


This example is cool. I like uneven growth but it depends on how it's done and not too excessive. For example the order I prefer is : 1-Boobs, 2-Size, 3-Muscles (as for example often FemforteFan). But in reasonnable proportions : I don't really like when it's too much uneven for example only a single huge muscle leg and then an enormous arm that unbalance the character.


I think it is cool