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Big big thanks to VincentZ for commissioning the W2F artist on a piece

Im hoping we can get him more soon, super packed schedule

Some updates:  me and the W2F artist are a team, and we work to train/approve any artists that we also bring on board from now on

If you are interested in a commission, please fill out this form for more information

There will be a slot system soon since there are some requests pending

BIG thanks to all followers and patrons!




lovely! Kill la Kill is my favorite anime!

Mr. Nickname

I put in a request for a commission a while ago, but since then you changed the form you use for them, should I redo mine or am I just on the waiting list?

The Alternate202

Damn this is super cool! This artist really does have an awesome style! Fantastic work!


Really Excellent especially the pannel with the size comparison and when she grows even more

