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Brainstorm with me!

I was thinking about making a MG comic from POV angles only, with two characters.  Here are some ideas that come to mind:

#1  - Something like how Left Behind was, in the first person of both the guy who's girl becomes super powerful in front of his eyes and also from the POV of the guy who also transforms and takes the super girl.

#2  - A comic like FMGym where first person is a girl who starts to transform and gets with other girls who do the same



i think what made left behind different is the story.if u tell us a great story through the comic,i think it is both ok.i wish more cooperations with some great writers.


Comix where a guy starts out as the string one and is over taken by the girl


A “Left Behind” style of story is intriguing. It is such an interesting and fun concept and as great as Left Behind is, there was many more scenarios that I would have loved to seen explored. More of the interaction between the the empowered female and the normal male, more of the wife’s discovery and exploration of her powers as they increased daily, the effects on her psychologically when she realized she had grown to an actual superhuman. Once she realized this, and she she obviously enjoyed it, possibly more scenes showing the strength disparity between her and her normal husband. It would be fun to see more of this type of interaction as it went from gentle teasing, to taunting, to a complete disregard of how her husband felt. It would be neat to see the other woman that initially does not get superpowers and has to see her husband and best friend get them, and then has to see them have a relationship, gain powers even greater then theirs.


I would rather the “bad” girl win at the end. Bigger and badder.