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  • choice_02.mp4
  • choice_01.mp4



The artist SOTTO wants to make a game.  The idea we had was that you choose your character (male or female) as the player and you interact with a lady like this.

You have the ability to imbue others with strength and power.

If you say the right words, the character will interact with you (sexually or otherwise) and power up.




charles yve antoine capel

Maybe a good idea and if you choose a character female do this character will grow ((sorry english is not my language) maybe like other rpg but without xp but growth when you reach a number of girl who are powered up)


That's a great idea!

Mr. Nickname

Im all for it. Maybe have areas where the growing girl can boost their stats before the next shot of growth. Something to pace the story.


the feels like a Visual novel. I can see it.




That's a great idea I love these kind of games and there is just so few of them another one is welcome


You can't see it, but I'm holding up my green 'yes' sign. Also, I have no visual art skills or decent game engine experience but I do write. If there is any need for someone to provide dialogue/direction or even just to tear apart the game, hit me up! I'd be more than glad to assist as I feel this scene could use some more quality games, even if just simple ones.

Oscar Vasquez

It's a great idea, but what style will it be. VN is great but I see a lot also doing text base.

Matias Fernandes

first it is a great game and I would like to see more information to support the project second I would love to see a version in Spanish for those of us who do not understand English


100% agree - I will get a Spanish version, and likely a German version as well!

Matias Fernandes

Yay me gustaría ayudar en la tradición si necesita o en lo que sea


Love the idea