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** Is there a German speaking fan here willing to review the German translation on comics?  DM me **

-  The artist who made Worst to First will make a short superheroine transformation piece before working on Issue 2, and it will be release here  (he/she asked to remain anonymous, but we are thinking about a pen name)

-  Angela, the 3D comic with the long preview posted earlier, is just about done (3-4 days)  I will release it on an upcoming Sunday.   If someone just cant wait to purchase it, DM me.

- FMGym is about 60% done

-  The Galatea artist had a personal issue, but is recovering, there will probably be another page soon

-   More Heidi by the weekend, it seems

Big big thanks to all those who gave support with the comic - you make it possible for these things to be created.

more stuff on the way not mentioned


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