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Here is the concept of a before / after and the story (so far) goes as follows - its all up in the air so far


Backstory (this can be a page or two)

Heidi was a girl who didnt like being a college student

She was rich, but she was out of shape, spoiled rotten and had a bad temper.

In her classes......

I dont want to re-take the test, cant I just buy an A?  (Heidi)

In this world, you wont always get what you want Heidi....   (teacher)

In her electives......

You're going to have to play more if you want a passing grade (gym teacher Ms Banderas)

and in her personal life

"They think they are sooooo hot together"

(she frowns at a very athletic couple, the guy she likes)

Why cant I have what I want?  its NOT FAIR!!!

(she is pouting, crying a little alone in the hallway at school)

Until one day....

(a person walking away from the doorstep at night, as a box is left there)

The next morning

"huh, whats this?"

The box is opened, close up inside a note reads

I know your thoughts.  I know you want POWER

Take a drop from this vial and become the powerful being you deserve

She looks at it with disregard

"Must be a vitamin I ordered online or something

What lame packaging! Oh well, better take it"

Transformation page 1 (can be 2 pages)

"what is this, I feel it changing me"

(show the face changing from uglier to pretty, hair getting a tad longer)

Transformation page 2

"My tits, are they growing?

(top down view of boobs growing)

Transformation page 3

"... and my stomach, I always wanted abs!!"

(feeling newly defined abs)

Transformation page 4

"Whats this?  Is it what I think it is?"

(her checking her newly bulged bicep)


At this point, she is not a superheroine yet, or at that level of strength

She is the strongest person at her school now, able to lift about 350kg/750lb but doesnt yet know it.   As she takes more pills during the course of the story, she will become something of a super heroine.

We can go an adult route, a revenge/adult route




I'd like to see that story take the adult route.