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Fan appreciation month begins with a little comic

should we continue it? Should we do something else?

It seems predictable, should we make it unpredictable?

Like, or pass and move that energy into something else

Your comments and such can decide that!


Eruption of Strength - GrowGetterComics

This July is our Fan Appreciation Month here at Growgetter Comics, and as part of that we're making this brand new short comic available for FREE for EVERONE


Bernard Phillips

Love to see more, would also like a continuation to the hypnosis story.


I hate to be the lone negative Nancy here, especially about free content but I guess I will lol. Only in the interest of making GGC bigger and better and acknowledging that we all have different tastes. This one was too busy for a ten page comic. You’ve got two groups of three women who both need a growth scene and none of them have names. Focusing in on the first group and maybe the interpersonal dynamics between them would have been better I think. Maybe have them growing at different rates so you get some jealousy or something (or one of them not growing at all ideally). As it stands I don’t have any interest in seeing it continued. Again, I love GGC and appreciate the hard work that goes into these projects from everyone involved.


There is no such thing as a bad critical reply, and comments like this help make comics better. Thank you


It seems a bit rushed but I liked it. please continue


My two websites can't be connected to each other, so I can't open the relevant pages that can be unlocked