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Greeting, everyone! Today, I will introduce you the new program of my Patreon : Ask Anthing About.

I am trying to improve the quality of the guide I can provide. But it's time consuming work and It's not speeding up enough. I feel I doesn't communicate enough with you, so I tried to some additional things. 

From now, I will upload my latest work on Patreon(like Instagram).  You can use the comments to ask anything about that work. I will respond to all comments as best as I can. You can ask what paint I used, what technique I used... Anything. 

This month first AAA is Rogal Dorn. I hope it's help to you! 

Please leave the comment. Thanks!

안녕하세요! 오늘은 제 패트리온의 새로운 코너인 Ask Anything About 을 안내드리고자 합니다.

최근에 저는 비디오 제작 등, 가이드의 퀄리티를 높이기 위해서 노력 중입니다. 다만 시간을 많이 잡아먹는 일이라서 속도가 잘 나지 않네요. 그러다보니 여러분과 충분히 소통하지 못하고 있는 것 같아서, 이번에 새로운 걸 시도해보고자 합니다.

지금부터는 패트리온에도 최근 작업물들을 올릴 예정입니다. 해당 작업물에 대해 궁금한 것이 있으시다면 무엇이든 댓글로 남겨주세요. 최선을 다해서 모든 댓글에 답변 드리도록 하겠습니다. 무슨 도료를 사용했는지, 어떤 테크닉을 사용했는지 등, 무엇이든 물어보셔도 됩니다.

이번 달의 첫 번째 AAA 는 로갈 돈입니다. 

궁금한 점 댓글에 남겨주세요. 감사합니다!



JJ Economu

Hi Kwan, I have one more question for you please. Do you feel the colours you used / brands of paints are the best for the job? Or just your fav paints for say the face and stuff? Thanks a lot


NMM is one of my favorite techniques so I feel hunger all the time. I'm very proud what I done but I'm not sure it's best for the job. The reason I used Flameon is I want to learn his color theory and style. I almost always tried to different mix of paint when I painting hard because that only way I understand how color work.

JJ Economu

Thanks Onion 😊 You should be very proud your works amazing!!