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Now I can confidently say. All the money you support me with will not reach me. Yes Guys, now you can unsubscribe from me here. I no longer have platforms and sites where I will work. I don't want to go back to Twitter anytime soon. I have no words, honestly. It was the only income for me for today. I was offered Boosty, but there is a very large commission. I don't know, I'll keep posting my work here, but I won't be so motivated anymore. I will try to do the work as much as possible.

The situation is such that now almost all Russian banks are under sanctions, including now mine. I can conclude that I was robbed in this way.

Given the political situation in the world, I can believe that everything can come back, sometime.

I really don't know what to do now. I'll just have to use Boosty. This is the only option.





Scarlett Fox

I hope it gets better for ya and everyone over there soon, it’s not your fault. Just focus on yourself and your well-being for now 💜


You should set up some links for Boosty on here


:( where will i be able to find u


Would paypal not work as a payment method?


All we can hope for is for someone to step in and stomp out putin otherwise this is gonna last a long while. Don't know what bootsy is but hope it works out for you.


I don't know yet. I will try to make a post on Twitter when I can.


PayPal has terminated services within the Russian Federation.


The Paypal service is closed to Russian users and their banks. I can't even use my Paypal to top up my wallet in Russia.


I think I will, but I don't really like their commission.


That really sucks man Sorry this is not really going on for you.. I like support you and your works since I really Loved your work and always wonder what be like if I were in it, but that's optional I don't really want to unsubscribe but seeing as it may just be throwing my money away since you won't receive, would be nice to chat sometime perhaps maybe I ain't really twitter person (not being as active on that site)

Vladdy Bladdy

бро а можно было раньше сказать я бы не тратил деньги


Apparently Russia/Putin is not at fault for starting the war, the Azov units have been commiting terror attacks on russian soil for years and Putin got tired of it, then America and NATO stuck their noses in the peace talks resulting in full escalation.


At least this is what I found out based off the Azov units using Nazi symbols and those symbols recently being used by public shooters here in America. I find it more believable that Ukraine has a Nazi problem that eventually started this war then Putin suddenly going all war monger.


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Remo Wind

Чел, поменяй вывод на карту тинькова, в чем проблема?