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She'd made it finally, and it'd be an uphill battle all the way through. Just getting into the study had meant pulling every string she could possibly imagine. Then it was nothing but tests and feeling like she was under a microscope all the time. As the study progressed, she saw her other participants seeing marked improvement in their height, muscle mass...and other things. But not her. She remained tiny as ever. And while everyone was polite to her, it was clear: she was in the control group. There was no hope that she'd ever get over 4 feet tall, let alone live a normal life. That is until one of the technicians, overworked and under-rested, accidentally gave her a double dose. Turns out she just needed a little push for her body to get over the inhibitor threshold and BOOM all the doses she'd been given over the course of the study came crashing into her in one night.

The next day she woke up sore, constricted by her close, but most importantly hungry for more. After all, it would disrupt the study if they stopped her dosages midway through, right?



Amy Veeres

If she was in the control group, then this revealed the drug has communicative properties. If one dose caused all that growth through placebo effect alone, that's still an important thing to learn. If the tech spins this correctly to their superiors, they might get a promotion out of this!


First thing you learn in research is the data can tell you whatever you want—she better get a promotion!