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Futa Incident: Just One More: [Futa/FMG]

Karl and Vicky are forced to navigate the ins and outs of a  girlfriend not only rapidly growing larger than you, but one with  rapidly growing hungers. She promises to only grow one more time, but  seems to have trouble keeping her promise. This comic left off at a bit of a cliff hanger and a mini-comic would be a perfect interlude or slice of life for this couple, or their friends!

Freshman 15 Goes Both Ways: [FMG/MILF]

When it came time for college, Ken all but gave up on lifting--there was too much going on between studying, and girls...and partying. Maybe he had picked up a few bad habits with eating too much pizza, but he'd dust off the weight set this summer and burn off that freshman 15.

The only problem? His mom had done a bit of upgrading since he left, and he wasn't entirely sure he could lift any of her new weights. It seems she'd undergone her own freshman 15....or 50? But instead of fat, his mom had turned into a shredded MILF. She still had that intense positivity, utterly clueless to how demeaning it was now that she was lifting triple what he was able to do at his best. And worst of all? She had their whole summer planned out, ready to meet her lifting goals.

This comic has been a Before & After and Pilot Season favorite, as a mini-comic we'd get this story off the ground and dive into the relationship of the two main characters and how we lead into a full blown comic!


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