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Lois and Carly had been lived on the quiet beachfront town most of their life. They'd been good friends for most of it, albeit with a bit of a competitive streak between the two of them. Both ladies had stayed active throughout the years, so when a fitness competition started up in their town, they of course joined immediately.

Lois, a shy redhead, focused on calorie counting, max weights, and a strict workout regiment, while her more bubbly, blonde friend Carly seemed to slack off and just enjoy her summer. Yet somehow Carly was seeing gains far beyond what Lois thought possible! During their first weigh in, the judge couldn't keep his eyes off of Carly. And Lois had to admit, a twang of jealousy nagged at her. She'd never been envious of Carly before, but Carly knew she had a crush on the judge and still flirted with him--and of course the muscle mass Carly had managed to put on while still eating cake would have made anyone jealous.

One day, before their competition, Lois spotted Carly rubbing a strange lotion on her skin. And to Lois' disbelief she saw Carly's biceps bulge before her very eyes! Lois seethed with anger. It was one thing to out lift her fair and square, but to cheat using some strange substance? Lois wouldn't stand for it. And despite her better judgement, she decided to fight fire with fire. Lathering her entire body with half of the lotion tube, she went mad with the possibilities. After all, if it had done that to Carly's body--after she hadn't been working out at all, what would it do to Lois' figure?

She didn't have to fantasize long. As she stepped up for the weigh in, Lois could feel every footfall sink further into the sand. With every throbbing pulse of her heart, she saw Carly's neck crane a little bit higher, her friend's mouth drop a little lower.

True, Lois hadn't anticipated growing that much, but she was certainly going to be hard to beat for the rest of the summer now.




This looks like a great FMG story.