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As we head into the final month of pilot season, how are things looking? We had some big upsets this month actually, so here's a recap/breakdown and what that might mean for future stories!

Family Drama

1. Home for the Holidays (227)

2. Super-Sized Sleepover (209)

3. Wield the Sword (94)

4. Freshman 15 (71)

Best Friend/Crush

1. Friends Share (198)

2. Fitting In (174)

3. Summer Camp (120)

4. BEauty Spa (67)

Power Dynamics

1. Doctor's Orders (323)

2. Barbie to Brawny (204)

3. House in Order (87)

4. The Apprentice (65)

5. Queen Commands (52)

UPDATE: These are the top ten overall winners. I can't promise we'll be making all of these, but they're on the top of my list (we do have some old favorites to revisit after all!). Fitting In has become on ongoing comic, check it out!

1. Managing Upwards [Amazon/Futa][Rival]

2. Doctor's Orders [Futa/PE]{Power Dynamics]

3. Home for the Holidays [Amazon/Futa][Family Drama]

4. Super-Sized Sleepover [Amazon/FMG][Family Drama]

5. Barbie to Brawny [Amazon/FMG][Power Dynamics]

6. Friends Share [Amazon/FMG][Best Friend/Crush]

7. Raising the Stakes [Amazon/FMG][Rival]

8. Fitting In [Futa/FMG][Secret Crush] 

9.The Biggest Grower [GTS/FMG][Rival]

10. Summer Camp [Amazon/FMG][Secret Crush]

So what does this all mean? Managing Upwards and Doctor's Orders were two of my favorites, and it's clearly yours as well! Barbie to Brawny pulled out an impressive score, I had a good feeling about that one too. What's fascinating is, there's a pretty even split across the four categories--do you have any new categories for next time we do this?

I'm noticing a trend that fantasy stories don't seem to do as well with this community as contemporary ones--and that's reflected in feedback surveys as well. But I am curious if anyone wants to message me separately about what might make for an interesting fantasy story for them. I enjoy the genre, but obviously don't want to be making stories folks won't enjoy.



Thanks for the breakdown, BC. Unfortunately I don’t think I voted in all of the polls when I probably should have. I’ve noticed that dynamic with fantasy content as well. I love it in nearly every other form of media but prefer contemporary for this stuff. Not sure why. I think maybe the social dynamics I enjoy are present more often in contemporary content. I could definitely dig a story about a peasant woman rising up in station and in size somehow.


Your opinion matters! I wish I could keep the polling open indefinitely, but at some point I have to collect the data. There’s four more pilots left, so be sure to vote in those. And hey, if there’s any you enjoyed but didn’t get a chance to vote on, feel free to message me about them—always happy to hear feedback on potential stories!