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So I've had an idea rattling around in my brain for a while, but I think I might be ready to actually put some work towards it, so here it is:

I've been thinking of starting a "choose your own adventure" style story using twine or something similar, but patrons will be able to contribute as well and folks will vote on story lines they'd like to see me do art for. The ideas from the suggestion box have been incredible, but I've had trouble keeping up with all of them! This seems like a fun way to engage these ideas, but it will be a lot of work, so I'm curious about general interest before starting a preliminary run of it.



Any ideas about who the POV character would be? Like would they be the one growing or would they be a second party?


I think that's the beauty of CYOA stories isn't it? We could do both or even a combination of the two!


The main character keeps encountering the growing ladies?


I think this could be a very cool concept, it could be really good with a active content creator and engaged audience/group. I think as long as it doesn’t get in the way of your main monthly comic it would be fun.