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We wrap up Sita's journey for now with a bit of a cliffhanger--what do you think happens next? 

I can't believe this story clocked in at 100 pages!!! I really tried to focus in on the size comparisons and the mentally-induced growth. Not my usual faire, so I hope you enjoyed. Next week we'll be starting a new monthly comic, the much requested Stolen Supplements, but we might revisit Nerds Don't Lift sooner than later if there's enough interest.




I like the mentality induced growth and hope to see more of it in the future. I thought the growth, and pace even though it was kind of a slow burn growth kept interest. I am curious where this goes after the cliff hanger. (Cheers) Glad to see stolen supplements is coming back can’t wait Nina (and her new size) and the rest of the gang.


This one was pretty sweet!